Greet 2014
Documentation for the GREET 2014 API
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
oCBindingList< T >
oCDictionary< InputResourceReference, ModeFuelShare >
oCDictionary< int, AMode >
oCDictionary< int, AProcess >
oCDictionary< int, double >
oCDictionary< int, Gas >
oCDictionary< int, InputTableObject >
oCDictionary< int, LightValue >
oCDictionary< int, LocationData >
oCDictionary< int, Mix >
oCDictionary< int, Pathway >
oCDictionary< int, ResourceData >
oCDictionary< int, TechnologyData >
oCDictionary< int, Vehicle >
oCDictionary< string, BaseQuantity >
oCDictionary< string, InputTable >
oCDictionary< string, Monitor >
oCDictionary< string, Parameter >
oCDictionary< string, Picture >
oCDictionary< TKey, TValue >
oCGreet.ConvenienceLib.CompDecompStatic class that contains methods to compress and decompress a stream using the deflate algorithm
oCGreet.ConvenienceLib.ConvenienceMethods used thoughout GREET for various purposes such as XML node manipulations, IDs creation and objects cloning
oCGreet.ConvenienceLib.Convenience.IDsContains sets of methods to create IDs
oCGreet.ConvenienceLib.FilesFoldersVarious methods to create folders and test permissions on a file
oCGreet.ConvenienceLib.MathParseString parser that can evaluate forumlas entered as strings
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Entities.ConsumptionsEnergy consumptions for a vehicle for a certain year for a certain mode.
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Entities.EIsClass used to store the EI calculated for each of the mode for each of the fuels for each of the transported resource. It was decided that allowing users to override the EI was too fragile for the code and fuzzy to save to the data file. How to save the overriden EIs, does it worth the development as no-one uses this feature, how to reload the override EIs as the preprocessing of the data create new EI results objects for each mode..
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Entities.EmissionValueThis class is used in order to know weather the emission factor needs to be a balanced item or is a value given by the user
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Entities.FunctionalUnitPreferenceHolds the object used for functional unit preference in the WTP results The same object is used by processes/pathways/mixes
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Entities.GasBalanceReferenceThis struct is used to store a reference to a gas ID for the calculation balance purposes
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Entities.IGroupAvailableThis interface specify memebers for an item that uses groups and that can be edited from the GroupEditor control. That way we can pass lists of IGroupsAvailable to the control instead of creating a new control for each type of object that has memberships and groups
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Entities.IHaveAPictureDefines an interface for objects having a picture associated to them, usually a picture name which is then found into the list of images of the database
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Entities.InputTablesThis class stores the input tables and tabs organization for the tables The tables are used for storing values that can be refered from any other places, or use in ExcelLike calculations /summary>
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Entities.InputTableTabInput tables tabs represents a tab into which one or multiple tables can be represented. Each tab help to classify tables.
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Entities.MaterialTransportedPayloadRepresents a Payload that is going to be used in the transportation mode calculations in order to calculate the energy intensities. Typically a payload contains a mass, and a reference to the resource being transported.
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Entities.MixListItemThis class is used to mantain a flattened out list of Mix for a datagridview
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Entities.nLossThe new loss class implements the specification 001-02 This is the unique model to be used for the losses instead of using all the different cases that were done in the excel version
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Entities.ProcessStaticEmissionThis class is used to hold a single process emission
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Entities.ProcessStaticEmissionsThis class holds the other emissions of the process like the otherEmissions
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Entities.StationaryProcessGroupA stationary process can contain groups, it can be efficiency group or amount group
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Entities.TechnologyListItemThis class is used to mantain a flattened out list of Technology for a datagridview
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Entities.TechnologyRefThis abstract class regroups the common members and accessors for the EntityTechnologyReference and the CalculatedTechnologyReference
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Entities.VehicleFuelA fuel used by a vehicle, ca be a reference to a pathway or a mix of pathways. Each fuel aslo have a share which might be calculated. from the baseline vehicle share or not
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Entities.VehicleListItemThis class is used to list out Vehicles for a datagridview representation
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.IHaveMetadataDescribes an entity that has metadata that can be displayed in the Notes form or edited
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.APluginAbstact class to implement in order to be loaded in GREET as a plugin
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.EnumeratorsEnumerators used across the plugin interfaces
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.ICsModeSpecifics for the CS mode
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.IDataContains the database necessary to perform calculations
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.IDataHelperClass used to manipulate the data without having to worry about too many details and dependencies
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.IEdgeA edge represents a connection between two vertices inputs and outputs in a pahtway
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.IEmissionsFactorsA set of emission factors
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.IGDataDictionary< TKey, TValue >An interface wrapper around a mutable dictionary to expose common methods such as CreateValue, DeleteValue, AllValues
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.IInputInput of a process
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.IInputResourceReferenceDefines a reference to an input source, if a process has an input coming from a pathway this will represents a reference to this pathway
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.IIOInput of a process
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.IModeFuelShareFuel share to be used by a mode for a defined transportation step
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.IMonitorAn interface for the monitored results in GREET
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.IParameterClass that represents a value and unit
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.IProcessReferenceA reference to the definition of a process as used in a pathway
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.IProductionItemA production item can represent a patway or a mix It contains an Id and a type that allows the user to know if we are referencing a pathway or a mix
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.IProjectObject representing the collection of entities of a loaded project
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.IResultsSet of results for a pathway or process or vehicle
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.ISequestrationSequestration object that might be used with an input
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.IStationaryProcessDefinition of a transportation process: a list of steps and edges between them
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.ITransportationProcessDefinition of a transportation process: a list of steps and edges between them
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.ITransportationStepDefinition of a transportation step, contains a reference to the mode used and parameters for that step
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.IVehicleEmissionsEmissions associated to a vehicle
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.IVehicleModeAn operating mode for a vehicle, usually can be CD or CS mode
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.IVertexRepresents a vertex in a pathway, may be holding a reference to a process, a pathway or a mix
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.Interfaces.IYearEmissionFactorsEmission factors given a simulation year
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.MonitorExcelLocationDataThis class holds the location information of where the results of the monitor value can be found in the Greet Excel Sheet.
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.ResultsStorage.CanonicalInputThis object stores a reference to an input for the calculations as well as upstream results associated with that input for a vertex in a specific pathway
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.ResultsStorage.CanonicalOutputThis object stores a reference to an output for the calculations as well as associated upstream results with that output for a vertex in a specific pathway
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.ResultsStorage.EnemThis class contains Energy and Emission objects. Was created for convinience since those two come togeather in many places.
oCGreet.DataStructureV3.ResultsStorage.ResourceAmountsThis class is used to store amount of different resources which might be represented using different units. We might have values in joules, cubic meters, or kilograms in this dictionary.
oCGreet.Model.Interfaces.IGREETControllerAn interface that defines what methods and events can be used in order to interact with the GREET software
oCGreet.UnitLib2.DimensionBuilds on DimensionUtils and IQuantity. It allows to store dimension as a single integer or as a quantity. Along with quantity it stores the index of the preferred unit from the Units list of IQUanitty. There are multiple states the class can be. Here Q = quantity is NOT null E = expression is NOT null P = preffered_unit is NOT -1 D = dim is NOT null
oCGreet.UnitLib2.DimensionUtilsThe dimension is represented as a single unsigned integer and each basic SI unit dimension exponent "occupies" 5 bits, i.e. the range for the exponent is -16..15. The system is based on the modular arithmetics so to calculate the result of the multiplication the two integers representing dimension simply need to be added, thus making operations on parameters with units extremely fast.
oCGreet.UnitLib2.LightValueTo be used to perform calculations with physical quantities. An instance of LightValue can be in one of 3 states: 1) formula is null, quantity is NOT null, preffered_unit is NOT null, quantaty.Units.Count less then preffered_unit. In this state the LightValue is aware of the quantity associated with it and what is the preferred units to be used for reports or GUI 2) formula is NOT null, quantity is NOT null, preffered_unit is null. In this state LightValue is aware of the quantity associated with it and units to be used in GUI/Reports are defined by formula. The dimensions of the units in formula must be the same as of the Quantity 3) formula is NOT null, quantity is null, preffered_unit is null. In this state LightValue is not aware of the quantity associated with it, it can happen as a result of * or / operations or user-entering units combination that cannot be matched to any of the defined quantities. In this state units defined in formula are to be used as preferred units to be used in GUI/Reports. Also, in this state user cannot choose in what units the value is to be displayed and will be limited to the choice of SI units or those defined in formula
oCGreet.UnitLib.DerivedQuantityBaseThis class is used to store references to Quantity inside DerivedQuantity that can contain their own default/override and whether the Quantity is in the numerator or the denominator of the expression
oCGreet.UnitLib.IQuantityA unit group represents "energy" or "volume" the default unit used are the unit used by the calculations engine, they're all SI. The user prefered unit represents the unit that the user selected to be presented on the GUI
oCGreet.UnitLib.IUnitA unit in our unit system
oCGreet.UnitLib.UnitsThis class manages units, unit groups, and parameters and provides Conversion between
oCIEquatable< IDependentItem >
oCIGDataDictionary< int, IAMode >
oCIGDataDictionary< int, IGas >
oCIGDataDictionary< int, ILocation >
oCIGDataDictionary< int, IMix >
oCIGDataDictionary< int, IPathway >
oCIGDataDictionary< int, IProcess >
oCIGDataDictionary< int, IResource >
oCIGDataDictionary< int, ITechnology >
oCIGDataDictionary< int, IVehicle >
oCIGDataDictionary< string, IInputTable >
oCIGDataDictionary< string, IParameter >
oCIGDataDictionary< string, IPicture >
oCList< CoProduct >
oCStack< GreetMessage >