Greet 2014
Documentation for the GREET 2014 API
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Package Greet.DataStructureV3.Entities


class  AIO
 This is the base class for Input and Output classes More...
class  AMode
class  AOutput
class  AProcess
class  BasedEmissionFactors
 Defines a class that holds ratios to a real emission factors in another technology More...
class  CalculatedTechnologyRef
 This class is intended to be used for "created" or "calculated" technologies when we convert the processes
to their canonical form. This class help us preveting the creation of unecessary registered parameters for the
share of each technology references. Here the share is simply as double as calculated by the conversion methods
class  CarBasedEmissionFactors
class  CarEmissionsFactors
class  CarEmissionsTimeSeries
 This class is a base class for TechnologyData class (Technologies file) and the VehicleOperationalMode class (Vehicle data) It contains a TimeSeries object which holds different TechnologyEmissionsFactors for each year More...
class  CarEmissionValue
class  CarRealEmissionsFactors
 To hold the emission factors read from the database, and stored as a double Value
class  CarYearEmissionsFactors
 This class holds the emission factors for a technology or a vehicle mode The parents of this class would usually be : A time series object and a technology or vehicle operation node object More...
class  CDMode
 Charge depleting mode, a mode used by PulgIn Hybrids vehicles. In this mode we're depleting the energy from an electric battery using the assistance of the ICE or equivalent in peak power regime. More...
class  Consumption
class  Consumptions
 Energy consumptions for a vehicle for a certain year for a certain mode. More...
class  ConsumptionsTS
class  ConventionalProducts
class  CoProduct
class  CoProductsElements
 This class holds the allocation method for all the coProducts listed as the allocationMethod is common to all the allocated coProducts More...
class  DefaultValuesIfNoPathway
class  DependentItem
class  Edge
class  EIs
 Class used to store the EI calculated for each of the mode for each of the fuels for each of the transported resource. It was decided that allowing users to override the EI was too fragile for the code and fuzzy to save to the data file. How to save the overriden EIs, does it worth the development as no-one uses this feature, how to reload the override EIs as the preprocessing of the data create new EI results objects for each mode... More...
class  EmissionGases
class  EmissionRatios
class  EmissionsFactors
 Emissions factors for a given year, and instance of this class holds one emission factor per gas More...
class  EmissionValue
 This class is used in order to know weather the emission factor needs to be a balanced item or is a value given by the user More...
class  EntityTechnologyRef
 This class represents an entitiy saved into the database for representing a technology attached to a input of a process
It is not intended to be used for "calculated" technologies which are created while converting the process to a canonical form
as doing so will create unnecessary registered paramters for the Share memember
class  EvaporatedGas
class  FuelProductionEntity
 Abstract class for a fuel production entity of a mix. This class should only be used as such within a mix. holds ths shares and notes only, rest of the definition in PathwayProductionEntity and MixProductionEntity More...
class  FunctionalUnitPreference
 Holds the object used for functional unit preference in the WTP results The same object is used by processes/pathways/mixes More...
class  Gas
 Store an object that is used for accounting the emissions associated with one specie in the model More...
struct  GasBalanceReference
 This struct is used to store a reference to a gas ID for the calculation balance purposes More...
class  Group
interface  IDurationProcess
interface  IGraphRepresented
 Defines an object which can be reprented in the graph pathway explorer
interface  IGroupAvailable
 This interface specify memebers for an item that uses groups and that can be edited from the GroupEditor control. That way we can pass lists of IGroupsAvailable to the control instead of creating a new control for each type of object that has memberships and groups More...
interface  IHaveAPicture
 Defines an interface for objects having a picture associated to them, usually a picture name which is then found into the list of images of the database More...
interface  IHaveAverageSpeed
interface  INeedPayload
class  Input
 In input technoologies attribute is added to the base More...
class  InputResourceReference
 Defines the origin for an input resource. It can be from well, mix, pathway, feed or main output of the previous process More...
class  InputTable
 An input table object stores rows, columns and table input objects. The table input objects can be either DoubleValue or DoubleValueTS More...
class  InputTableColumn
class  InputTableObject
class  InputTableRow
class  InputTables
 This class stores the input tables and tabs organization for the tables The tables are used for storing values that can be refered from any other places, or use in ExcelLike calculations /summary> More...
class  InputTablesDictionary
class  InputTableTab
 Input tables tabs represents a tab into which one or multiple tables can be represented. Each tab help to classify tables. More...
class  InputWithShare
 This class is inhitited from ProcessFuel class and adds share attribute to it. More...
interface  IPathwayForDataGridViewDisplay
 This class is a "mask" for the real pathway class which is used by a datagridview to display the right properties so the PropertyDescriptor of Pathway is not called, because it seems that there is an issue with it... But the property descriptor is working fine with the PropertyGrid... watch out when modifying the property descriptor or this
class  LocationData
class  Locations
class  MainOutput
class  MaterialTransportedPayload
 Represents a Payload that is going to be used in the transportation mode calculations in order to calculate the energy intensities. Typically a payload contains a mass, and a reference to the resource being transported. More...
class  Mix
 A mix object is a wrapper for blending multiple mixes or pathways together It allows the user to get weigh averaged results for a mix or blend of multiple pathways or multiple products More...
class  Mixes
class  MixListItem
 This class is used to mantain a flattened out list of Mix for a datagridview More...
class  MixProductionEntity
 Stores a reference to a mix for a mix More...
class  ModeConnector
 mode type 5 can be a Magic Move, a mode defined by nothing, it's a kind of bypass mode. More...
class  ModeFuelShare
class  ModeFuelShares
class  ModeFuelSharesDictionary
class  ModePipeline
 Mode type 3 can is Pipline. A mode is defined by the group of the fuel transported and the associated technologies A Pipeline is different from the other modes because it does not contain a list of payloads. More...
class  ModeRail
 mode type 4 can be a Train, a mode defined by the energy intensity from and the energy intensity to This mode does not contain a payload list like the others. More...
class  Modes
 Reads the transportation.xml database. This dictionary maps a mode id to AMode object More...
class  ModeTankerBarge
 mode type 1 can be a Ocean Tanker or a Barge, something defined by an average speed, a load factor from, load factor to, a payload an energy intensity ratio More...
class  ModeTruck
 mode type 2 can be a HD or MD truck, a mode defined by a payload and a fuel economy More...
class  MPGsTS
class  nLoss
 The new loss class implements the specification 001-02 This is the unique model to be used for the losses instead of using all the different cases that were done in the excel version More...
class  Parameter
 A class used to store a parameter of an entity for the GREET model. Can be displayed in a DBTextBox in the GUI. All Parameters must have a unique ID and be registered to the list of Parameters in the database. Parameters should never be created as the result of an formula, if a result is necessary use LightValue instead. More...
class  Parameters
 Stores all the Parameter indexed by their unique ID, so they can be retreived from anywhere in the code using the created database. More...
class  ParameterTS
class  Pathway
class  PathwayProductionEntity
 Stores a reference to a pathway for a mix More...
class  Pathways
class  PipelineMaterialTransported
class  PMOutput
class  Processes
class  ProcessStaticEmission
 This class is used to hold a single process emission More...
class  ProcessStaticEmissions
 This class holds the other emissions of the process like the otherEmissions More...
class  RealEmissionsFactors
 To hold the emission factors read from the database, and stored as a double Value More...
class  RegularMode
 Charge sustaining mode, a regular mode where it is a assumed that no exernal source of power is used from the vehicle. The ICE or equivalent and battery can be used together, but only the fuel consumption is considered to be consumed from outside of the vehicle system More...
class  ResourceData
class  Resources
 The collection of resources in the fuel dataset More...
class  Sequestration
class  Series< TKey, TValue >
class  StationaryProcess
 The class which holds the specific attributes and method for stationary processes More...
class  StationaryProcessGroup
 A stationary process can contain groups, it can be efficiency group or amount group More...
class  StepResult
 This class is designed to be used as an agregator of input results for a transportation step A transportation step is decomposed in multiple inptus before calculations and needs to be re-assembled for results display in the WTP
class  Technologies
 Container for all of the technology data More...
class  TechnologyData
 This class is read from the technologies file. It holds the parameters of the current technology (name, id, ...) and inherits from EmissionsTimeSerie which holds the emission factors for each years More...
class  TechnologyListItem
 This class is used to mantain a flattened out list of Technology for a datagridview More...
class  TechnologyRef
 This abstract class regroups the common members and accessors for the EntityTechnologyReference and the CalculatedTechnologyReference
class  TimeSeries< Tvalue >
 This class represents a generic time series More...
class  TransportationProcess
 A transportation process in GREET, contains an architecture of steps which define the transportation and how modes are used the fuel share for each modes are defined in the TransportationFuelShares More...
class  TransportationStep
 A single step operated by a defined mode in the overall transportation process More...
class  Vehicle
 Stores the data associated with a vehicle, its properties and its modes More...
class  VehicleFuel
 A fuel used by a vehicle, ca be a reference to a pathway or a mix of pathways. Each fuel aslo have a share which might be calculated. from the baseline vehicle share or not More...
class  VehicleListItem
 This class is used to list out Vehicles for a datagridview representation More...
class  VehicleOperatingModeEmissionsTSData
 Time series emissions data per unit of distance for a certain mode. More...
class  VehicleOperationalMode
 Represent a operational mode for a defined vehicle The class is abstract and could be either CD or CS mode More...
class  Vehicles
 Inherits from Dictionary in order to store all the vehicles definitions from the database More...
class  Vertex


enum  supportedBalanceTypes { carbon, sulfur, biogenic, oxydation }